New Shoes
ゴミ山の中 尖ったゴミが足に突き刺さる
僕が欲しいのは ”新しい” 靴…
What I want is new shoes
Money, love, cannot stop pain on my feet
Seems to be no pain any more
It may not to worry about step spiky scrap
What I will be being…? Nothing specially, now
(欲しい物? よくわからな)
My future??? No idea at all
Just survive in this garbage island
So, I wanna wear the new shoes
What I want is new shoes
(ボクが欲しいのは 新しい靴)
Hear me, beautiful sounds “new shoes”
(聞いてよ なんて素晴らしい響きなんだ”新しい靴”)
How do You use dead presidents here??
It’s ridiculous to brag Benjamin wad, in the dump
(このゴミだめの中で大金振り回して バカみたいだ)
You have to go on your feet to out from here
So, new shoes are needed for me and for you
You will survive here, or when you runaway
(ここで生きていくにしても 逃げ出しても)
Have to walk towards somewhere
(歩かなきゃ どっかに向かって)
It’s big difference between put the shoes on or no
Sounds nice, wear the new shoes
Why are you fighting??
What do you want more??
You wear the new shoes, don’t you??
So you have no pain, do you??
It seems to be happy
What I want is new shoes
(ボクが欲しいのは 新しい靴)
Hear me, beautiful sounds “new shoes”
(聞いてよ なんて素晴らしい響きなんだ”新しい靴”)
But, however but, I heard that wanna new Sox when after getting new shoes
(でも… 靴を手に入れたら靴下が欲しくなるって聞いた)
Next of the Sox shall be new pants will be hoped
(靴下の次は きっと新しいズボンが欲しくなるんだとさ)
Surely it will be hell
No shoes is not bad maybe
But still, beautiful sounds “new shoes”…
(でも、それでも、あぁなんて素敵な響きなんだ ”新しい靴”)